onsdag 29 februari 2012

Planning the future.....

At this time of the year I always have a lot of plans....

Last year I spent a night at this wonderful hotel in the South of Germany and I promised myself that I would build a pair of gates like this at my own entrance - not as high though...
but certainly with ivy.

The wisteria in combination with the white lilac is another thing I will copy from the garden of this hotel.
I already have wisteria, roses and lavender surrounding my gardenroom but I need to plant some white lilacs.

Last year I also visited a cloister in the South of Belgium.
There I got the inspiration to built a ruin and cover it with ivy. This is a project I have already started.

I would love a room like this in my garden but that I am afraid will just stay a dream...

Last spring when I went up north on a dealer trip I suddenly saw these special willow trees. I have already ordered one of these -I just haven't decided where to plant it yet.

This is one of my garden projects that turned out nicely, I think.

The roses down by the shop are thriving...

and so is the caprifolium
and the hops
Another projekt from last year was to build a stonewall with the stones from the old chimney.
It turned out okay but it was a lot of work. Now I just have to plant some rockery plants.

from another angle

Unfortunately the pergola was destroyed in the december-storm so I have to recontruct it this spring. I really hope that the plants aren't too damaged.

A view through the old pergola toward the terrace.

I always have a lot of items. for the garden in my shop www.lillstugan-antik.se

This was a successful mix and a pure coincidence since I bought the clematis at a sale not knowing what they looked like..

Yet another project from last summer but this I actually got a lot of help with from my father and his wife.

The gardenroom is now surrounded by roses, lavender and wisteria. I am so looking forward to seeing how it will turn out this year.

The pond is going to be changed this year. 
I want a two level pond with a small waterfall. 

No major changes in this area.

A part of this area will be incorporated in the pond project.

Hopefully it wil all be done before the fall shows us these beautiful colours again.
You can always plan and dream :-)
NB. remember to enjoy the things and projects you finish and forget about the rest - they are just plans for next year.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ih , man får jo helt lyst til at besøge jer i butikken og drømme sig væk på hotellet i Tyskland , det kan jo være vi en dag mødes der på vej på indkøbstur. Knus Bjørn.

  2. Jamen så kom dog! :-)
    Hotellet i Tyskland var fantastiskt men det var ikke et godt område at handle i så der kommer jeg nok ikke igen! Men om I bare vil slappe af kan I få adressen.
    Knus Trine
