onsdag 30 maj 2012

Time is running

This time of year is so hectic. Exams at school, parties, celebrating, the garden, the house, stocking and preparing the shop for the peak season and this year in the middle of it all I got a bad cold. Anyhow I'm preparing our next buying-trip for the shop. Trying my best to get the garden in order. As always I get new ideas while i'm at it. The house is far from done - it needs all the finishing touches and paint and in the middle of it all we decided to extend the terasse so that looks a bit strange at the moment. And the list goes on and on.....Will I ever learn to limit my self to doing just the nessesary and not having 570 projects running at the same time? Probably not, that's simply just the way I am...

I have stated to fill the urns on the terrasse. This year maily with pink and white flowers which complements the grey zinctop-table, the grey/beige chairs and the green decking.

This is the last tree purchase from the buying trip to the north of Sweden a willow which grows a ball-shaped crown. 
This is what it looks like when it matures and this is its latin name; salix-fragilis-bullata

Last year we planted this hanging willow tree on the burial site of our dogs and it turned out nicely I think. The tulips have been blooming for over a month now.

The zinktop table made from an old table and the new grey very comfortable chairs.

A lot of the herbs died this winter but the new ones I planted are thriving.

The pond is wainting for a new stock of fish...

The laburnum is full of flowers this year.

The lilacs are also thriving and the smell is overwhelming in the evening.

Half of our yard and parts of the garden was demolished by the power company this month - but it is a good thing since they are placing the wires for the electricity supply in the ground so we don't have to look at it anymore and most important the wires will not get damaged in the storm and thereby the supply of electricity will be more reliable.

The stonewall I built last year from the stones from the old chimney we tore down. 

A newly finished project; the tabletop is the old mainstone from the stone oven.

An almost finished project.

An area of the garden that needs to be dealt with...but I'm not sure how yet.

The new pergola in is in constrution. The old one was demolished in a winter-storm.

Down by the shop the trees and bushes are thriving too.

In front of the shop the chestnut-tree is in full bloom.

The hawthorne is also just starting to bloom.

Outside the shop.

Only a couple of bathtubs left. The early summerheat made the sell like hot cakes...

Another project from this spring; a new terrasse at the side of the gardemroom. Just need to find some nicer chairs to go with the table. We surrounded the terrasse with granite stones from the old stonebase of the former gardenroom.

I love hydrangea...

Remember to sit down and enjoy all your hard work.
Appreciate the projects you actually do finish.
And most of all; remember that a perfect home is not necessarily a happy home.

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